CAB® Smoked Prime Rib Slices 10oz

CAB® Smoked Prime Rib Slices 10oz

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Our Certified Angus Beef® Boneless Smoked Prime Rib is rubbed with our flavorful seasonings and slow smoked over real hickory for hours. Conveniently packaged into 10oz. portions, so you can make any meal a meal to remember! Fully cooked to medium rare. Simply thaw, heat, and eat.

**Allergen Alert:  Contains Soy, Wheat, Gluten**

The product is vacuum-sealed. Sold frozen.

*Items that are shipped are shipped frozen, vacuum sealed and with dry ice*

This package contains 4, 6, or 8 slices.

Preparation - see page 19:  Cusack Preparation Guide

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