Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What methods of payment do you accept?
A: We currently accept payment by credit card. Cusack Meats accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.
Q: Does Cusack Meats have a guarantee on products?
A: Cusack Meats products have a 100% guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please notify us and we will promptly work to resolve your issue to your satisfaction.
Q: Does Cusack provide instructions for preparation?
A: Yes, you may view preparation/heating instructions in our Customer Service section. Please click on the link that says "Product Prep Guide" for a viewable / printable copy.
Q: Can I ship anywhere in the world?
A: At this time, we offer shipment to all fifty United States.
Q: How is my package shipped?
A: Each package contents are frozen to ensure freshness. Products are packed in a reusable polystyrene container with dry ice, then packed in a master shipping container. All packages are shipped via Federal Express®.
Q: How long does it take for me to receive my package?
A: We ship packages as soon as possible (or according to the ship date you select). We ship on Monday and Tuesday to ensure delivery of all packages by Friday or Saturday at the latest.
Q: May I choose my ship date?
A: Yes, you may select the date you’d like your product to be shipped. We will do our best to accommodate your request. You will receive an email notification when your package ships (with tracking links) as well as when your shipment is delivered.
Q: Do you notify gift recipients prior to delivery?
A: Yes, when ample time is given, we e-mail or text gift recipients an announcement to let them know they have a gift coming to them. This allows the recipient to notify us if they need to change a date of shipment or to give us an alternate shipping address.
Q: How can I reach you?
A: By phone: 405-232-2114 or toll-free at 1-800-241-MEAT. Email us at cusack@cusackmeats.com. We are happy to answer any questions you might have.
Q: Are your preparation/heating instructions available online?
A: Yes, you may view preparation/heating instructions on each product's page or at the link on the main menu titled "Product Prep Guide".
Q: Is the information I enter on cusackmeats.com secure?
A: Yes, cusackmeats.com is a secure Internet site. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.
Q: Do you share my information with other companies?
A: No, Cusack Meats does not share any of your information with other companies.
Q: If there is a problem with my shipment, what do I do?
A: If your shipment does not arrive to you in perfect condition, please call us toll free at 1-800-241-MEAT. Please refer to the invoice number on the FedEx shipping label when you call. This will allow us to find your order promptly.
Q: What is Certified Angus Beef® and what makes it so special?
A: The Certified Angus Beef ® brand is a label recognizing the best Angus beef: always tasty, tender and juicy. Other labels may say Angus, but that's where the similarities end. The brand, established in 1978, is truly a stamp of exceptional quality, and your sign of a great meal.
Q: How can I be sure that the quality is what you say it is?
A: Cusack Meats takes great pride in what we do. We are a USDA federally inspected processing facility operating under a working HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) Plan. We can assure you that all employees at Cusack Meats take every precaution to make sure all products we produce are of the highest quality possible.
Q: If I call you, can I talk to a real person?
A: Yes! We offer cusackmeats.com as a convenience. It is just one of the many ways to order with Cusack Meats. Please check our homepage for current hours. After hours, please leave us a message and we will promptly return your call.
Q: Can I ship product to a P.O. Box?
A: No, shipments can be made to physical street addresses only. Additionally, we cannot ship to APO or FPO addresses.
Q: Is it really necessary for me to provide you with a recipient phone number?
A: Yes. Federal Express® asks that we provide a phone number for every package we ship. In the event that Federal Express has trouble with the address, a phone number can greatly assist Federal Express® in getting your package to its destination quickly.