Honey Glazed Spiral Sliced Bone-In Ham

Honey Glazed Spiral Sliced Bone-In Ham

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Slow smoked over hickory, then spiral-sliced to the bone. This ham is honey glazed on all sides AND fully injected with honey to ensure that every bite has the sweet taste of honey. Mouthwatering, tender and so delicious. Fully cooked product. Ready to heat and serve.

**Allergen Alert:  No Potential Allergens**

Refrigerated Is Available For Pickup November/December Only

Whole -  14-17 lbs. avg.
Half - 7-9 lbs. avg.

Sold frozen and vacuum sealed. 

*Items that are shipped are shipped frozen, vacuum sealed and with dry ice*

Preparation - see page 15:  Cusack Preparation Guide

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