CAB® Hickory Smoked Prime Rib, Tenderloin Filet, Garlic Herb Boneless Pork Chop

CAB® Hickory Smoked Prime Rib, Tenderloin Filet, Garlic Herb Boneless Pork Chop

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This combination features our Certified Angus Beef® Hickory Smoked Prime Rib Slices, Tenderloin Filets, and delicious Hickory Smoked Garlic Herb Boneless Pork Chops. 2pc of each item. (6 items total)

2 - CAB® Hickory Smoked Prime Rib Slices 10oz (fully cooked - heat and eat)

2 - CAB® Tenderloin Filet 8oz

2 - Hickory Smoked Garlic Herb Boneless Pork Chop 8oz (fully cooked - heat and eat)

Preparation:  PREPARATION TIPS – Cusack Meats

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